Can I volunteer to help coach?
Absolutely! We’re always on the lookout for parent volunteers, whether you’ve played lacrosse before or not. Interested? Head over to our volunteer page—we’d love to have you on board!
What equipment do I need?
Players require full padding to participate. Refer to our Equipment page for all the details.
Do I need a uniform?
Every player must have a team pinnie and shorts to participate. We will be using the same uniforms from last year and therefore you only need to buy pieces you don't already have. Refer to our Uniform page for additional info.
Why do I need a USA Lacrosse Membership?
All players require a USA Lacrosse membership for insurance purposes. Refer to our USA Lacrosse page for additional program benefits.
Do you offer any discounts?
We offer an early registration discount for anyone signing up before March 1 and a sibling discount of $25.
What is a round robin?
Round Robin is a tournament format used across the Capital District to provide local games for our players. Most weekends a local program will host 4+ programs during a 3-5 hour block with teams participating in ~3 games during their time slot. This is a great way to get a lot of game action in a small amount of time but we do understand it also causes scheduling difficulties because we typically will not have the game times until the week prior to the round robin.
What if my child is unable to attend every practice or round robin?
We get it—life is busy, especially with kids juggling multiple activities. While we’d love for everyone to commit to practices and games, we understand that conflicts will happen. Come when you can, and we’ll make the time they do spend with us count!
I'm afraid my child is not ready for the full lacrosse program, do you offer any alternatives?
Yes, we have a more relaxed Learn to Play program for newcomers in grades K-2. Check out the Learn to Play page page for additional information.